Two pages of abstracts should be submitted electronically via e-mail
bsd2022@tu.kielce.pl by the deadline of 23th May 20th June, 2022. The
abstracts will be reviewed by the members of the Scientific Committee. Acceptance notification will be given
to the authors before 27th June, 2022.
We encourage all authors to submit the full-length papers after the conference for publication in the
following journals:
- Archives of Civil Engineering
- Economics and Environment
- Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics
- Computer Assisted Methods in Engineering and Science
- Safety Engineering of Anthropogenic Objects
- Structure and Environment
- Builder Science
- Inżynieria i Budownictwo (in Polish)
- Przegląd Budowlany (in Polish)
We advise to use the following template to prepare the article (link to template) and the presentation (link to template)